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Reckless Driving & Speed Competition Defense in Fayetteville, NC

Serving Fayetteville, Hope Mills, Spring Lake, Fort Bragg, and all of Cumberland County

Car driving on road with speeding effect

Police officers can find many reasons for citing drivers with reckless driving, from unsafe passing to squealing tires to excessive speeding.  Speed competition is much more serious.  These offenses must be handled with care to prevent long-term adverse consequences from affecting your ability to drive and your wallet. 


One must be very careful when charged with Reckless Driving, also called Reckless Driving to Endanger and Careless and Reckless.  This charge carries special provisions for suspensions based on your driving history.  If you do not resolve a Reckless Driving charge correctly, NCDMV may suspend your license for varying periods of time. 


Speed competition or racing, whether pre-arranged or spontaneous, carry hefty consequences.  Punishments can include time in jail and range from a one (1) to three (3) year suspension of your privilege to drive to seizure of your vehicle and selling it at auction.  You must have an attorney who knows how to handle these charges if you are charged with racing or speed competition. 


If you are charged with reckless driving or speed competition, contact Fayetteville Reckless Driving Lawyer Bruce Armstrong or Adam Barrington at (910) 433-2000 to setup an appointment to discuss your case.

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